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Teaching and Learning

What is learning like at Shaftesbury?

Teaching and learning is at the heart of Shaftesbury. Good teaching and learning raises standards of achievement across the whole curriculum. It supports and enables the aims, ethos and values of our school and provides a secure, well ordered environment where each child can achieve his/her maximum potential.

At Shaftesbury we believe that effective learning takes place when:

  • Pupils feel valued as individuals and are actively involved in the learning process
  • Children are made aware of what is being learnt and how it will impact the future and the wider development of skills
  • Classroom relationships are built on mutual tolerance and respect
  • Pupils are encouraged by their teachers and are given opportunities to enjoy a genuine sense of achievement
  • There is a common awareness that high standards of self discipline and order are expected
  • The environment in which pupils and teachers are working is stimulating and comfortable
  •  Lessons are well prepared, with tasks and resources appropriate to pupils’ learning needs

We therefore aim to ensure that:

  • Lessons are prepared, structured and paced to make effective use of the time available
  • Pupils are made aware of lesson objectives and where necessary, success criteria at the start of lessons
  • Pupils have a clear and common understanding of the high expectations their teachers hold of them and of the targets towards which they are working
  • The teaching styles, resources and tasks pupils encounter are varied and challenging, offering opportunities for achievement by pupils across the ability range, irrespective of social class, race or gender
  • Having a positive attitude to change and to development of their own expertise
  • Establishing links with the local community to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
  • Working collaboratively with a shared educational philosophy and commonality of practice

We hope that this section of our website can answer any of your questions. Please get in contact with us if there is anything else you would like to know.